527 bc造句
- Peisistratus died in 527 BC and was succeeded by his sons Hipparchus.
- The 24th and last " tirthankara " of present half-cycle was Mahavira ( 599-527 BC ).
- For Jains, Diwali is the celebration of the 24th Tirthankara Mahavira, attaining Pavapuri on Oct . 15, 527 BC, on Chaturdashi of Karti.
- The painting " Vigil on the Sixth Night after Mahavira's Birth " depicts four women celebrating the birth of Mahavira's ( 599-527 BC ) birth.
- When Peisistratos dies, in 527 BC, Cleisthenes, a prominent political figure of this era, tries to give an end to tyranny, while conflicts between Athenians and Spartans, Thebans take place.
- ;Sh'lainn Blaze ( Janyse Jaud ) : A rebellious member of the Banshee clan, a race of aliens that landed in the British Isles around 527 BC . She, like her kind, possesses the ability to predict when someone will die.
- They also have lifespans ranging for hundreds or thousands of years, and have been on Earth since they landed in Ireland around 527 BC . This race is in constant warfare with the Vampire Empire, which is fundamentally their ideological opposite-draining life and using technology.
- "' Peisistratos "'(;; died 528 / 7 BC ), Latinized "'Pisistratus "', the son of Hippocrates, was a ruler of ancient Athens during most of the period between 561 and 527 BC . His legacy lies primarily in his instituting the Panathenaic Festival, historically assigned the date of 566 B . C ., and the consequent first attempt at producing a definitive version of the Homeric epics.
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